Ni allai'r holl foroedd byth olchi fy mriw

(Puro'r Gydwybod)
Ni allai'r holl foroedd
    byth olchi fy mriw
Na gwaed y creaduriaid
    er amled eu rhyw;
  Ond gwaed y Meseia
    a'i gwella'n ddi-boen:
  Rhyfeddol yw rhinwedd
    marwolaeth yr Oen.

O gariad, O gariad
    anfeidrol ei faint
Fod llwch mor annheilwng
    yn cael y fath fraint;
  cael heddwch cydwybod,
      a'i chlirio drwy'r gwaed,
  A chorff y farwolaeth,
      sef pechod, dan draed.

Cydganed y ddaear
    a'r nefoedd ynghyd
Ogoniant tragwyddol
    i Brynwr y byd;
  Molianned pob enaid
      fy Arglwydd ar gân
  Am achub anhydyn
      bentewyn o'r tân.
Ni allai :: Nid allai :: Nis gallai
creaduriaid :: cre'duriaid
Meseia :: Messiah
a'i gwella :: a'm gwella
chlirio :: chànu
drwy'r gwaed :: trwy'r gwaed
chorff :: chorph
sef pechod :: sef llygredd
fy Arglwydd :: yr Arglwydd'i

1,3: Morgan Rhys 1716-1779
2 : Grawn-Syppiau Canaan 1795

Tôn []: Joanna (alaw Gymreig)

gwelir: O gariad O gariad anfeidrol ei faint

(Purifying the Conscience)
All the seas cannot
    ever wash my bruise
Nor the blood of creatures
    though so plentiful their kinds;
  But the blood of the Messiah
      which makes it better painlessly:
  Amazing is the virtuous
      death of the Lamb.

O love, O love
    of immeasurable extent
That dust so unworthy
    get such a privilege;
  Get peace of conscience,
      and its cleansing through the blood,
  With the body of death,
      that is sin, under foot.

Let the earth join to sing
    together with the heavens
The eternal glory
    of the Redeemer of the world;
  Let every soul praise
      my Lord in song
  For saving an obstinate
      brand from the fire.
:: ::
which makes it better :: which makes me better
cleansing :: bleaching
that is sin :: that is corruption

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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